Fight for the Missing with Shunick Missing Persons

Shunick Missing Persons is a consulting and educational company focused on missing persons. I will provide guidance and resources to individuals, families, and law enforcement agencies.
I am dedicated to bringing awareness to the issue of missing persons and helping those affected by providing support and education. My experience dates back to 2012 with the disappearance of Mickey Shunick and the loved ones I've been supporting with Resource Association for Missing People since 2013.
Outside of assisting with missing person cases, I am also an Assistant Professor of Biology and Biotechnology Director with extensive forensic science training, and the proud owner of an 11 year old chiweenie. Check out my personal blog, Life's Weird.
Do you have a missing loved one?
After you have reported your missing person to the police, please reach out to me! Submit a form here, or contact my nonprofit www.ramissingpeople.org

NOVA's National Crime Victims' Rights Week
Monday, April 22nd, 2:00-3:30pm ET
Webinar: True Advocacy in a True Crime World
True crime has become so pervasive in pop-culture that it is almost impossible to avoid. The nature of how common it is to talk about crime, has taken on a life on its own, making the public feel as if they are part of these very real, true cases. The question is, how ethical is true crime when these are the stories of real people and real situations? How is the telling and re-telling of these stories impacting the living victims and advocates assisting in these cases?